It’s always a matter of appearance. And the notion we at times fail to consider, is how you want to be seen and not how they see you; and when I say ‘they’, I mean the immediate social exposure we encounter;- someone else’s view. I know if society would allow, some of us would be perambulating these streets in our birthday suits ignoring every form of influence regarding our outlook.
In sense, we are urged to be true to ourselves, do what feels right and subside the societal pressure of trying to impress- but we all know this cannot be practiced because, again; the community will hunt you down with ugly names and call you sick terms. Should this be the go-to motivation talk we all want to hear then I believe it has to be uprooted deep from its core. And that core is thy self-understanding because we are the community, we are the ones who put all these bars and expectations on ourselves. Thing is, it did not happen overnight. We were conditioned to think that way through broad various factors and without a doubt, we are unconsciously passing it down to the next generation already.
Quite outstanding that this is the reality we are all awakening to:-respecting one’s choice or decision instead of justifying or even trying to understand the persona. Change is inevitable and living things, specifically human beings; cannot be fully understood at all times as we change in relations to what we think, feel and yearn for on the daily. In simple words, we should not expect anything from anyone. We only need to understand ourselves, that way, we do not focus entirely on their outlook but rather on what makes us perceive them as they are. You know the only way to understand yourself is by analyzing how you get to see other people. If you see someone is doing too much then there’s a high chance that you are the one who is doing too much. They say show me your friends and I’ll tell you what kind of a person you are- I say, the only way to know a person is how they relate with other people. But hey, I could be wrong because people are now perfecting their social interaction behaviours. Ridiculous, right? I mean, people can put on a really good show and be absolutely convinced that you have them figured out then you get disappointed when they get worn out from pretence and decide to be themselves. I don’t blame them neither do I pity them. Infact, I applaud them because conning or imitating is a major skill that requires patience, time and energy and if they can be that dedicated to something, damn they can do anything if they put their mind to it. Even pull a rabbit out of the hat if need be!
Tragically, your outlook can really give an off-setting especially if you do not put into consideration how you compose yourself in terms of being relevantly indulged or simply being yourself. So before you brave the cold, have your priorities in check. Check yourself and accept that you can not do it for anyone else other than your own self. This will have you present yourself at your prime which will eventually attract people of your tribe since we are all out to look for our own comfort, people we can relate to and feel whole with.

Teachings such as etiquette, decency and the likes are rarely heard of. It is in spaces such as Rifkins College where we mind our students’ mental, physical and social composure that we mentor, monitor and counsel them on such. What a rare gem we are, right?
Times are changing anyway and they are changing fast. You may feel left out and be obliged to catch up with the news and trends but just take a breathe. Its is a good thing to blur out the outside noise and focus because somehow, the human mind is both accepting and challenging the concept of being aware- being conscious.
I believe changing these society pressures and notions of what and how to be will eventually be a thing of the past when we mind our own triggers and reactions towards anything.
Man was meant to find solace in another as we are bound to be dependent. We are all meant to be versatile pathfinders in all aspects.
To all the self-doubting Thomases out there; don’t feel enticed to be any way other than what you perceive yourself as.
And if you need some mentorship, advise or counseling, you are at the right spot. At Rifkins College, we believe that your potential is our priority. We are dedicated to providing a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages you to grow and thrive.
We are all unique in our own ways, make the best of your uniqueness. That’s your superpower- use it and watch everyone awe in your blissful grace. Put on a little show while you are at it, we will be here for it cause we are all rooting for you.
Go on!