Every year, hundreds of thousands of students complete their final secondary school exams in Kenya.
Mombasa County alone has about 100 secondary schools. Where do all these students go to after completing high school? The information provided here is to assist students who complete secondary school education in Mombasa in making choices among the various universities and colleges in Mombasa they can join.

Colleges in Mombasa
Colleges generally offer Diploma and Certificate courses. Before you make choices, visit each college website and check if they are registered with TVET Authority (TVETA)
The following is a list of the best Colleges in Mombasa and their website links;
Rifkins College https://www.rifkinscollege.com/
Kenya Medical Training Institute https://kmtc.ac.ke/
Kenya School of Government https://mombasa.ksg.ac.ke/
National Industrial Training Authority https://www.nita.go.ke/training-centres/nita-mombasa.html
Shanzu Teachers Training College https://shanzuttc.ac.ke/
Kenya National Coast Polytechnic https://kenyacoastpoly.ac.ke/
Bandari Maritime Academy https://bma.ac.ke/
Universities in Mombasa
Universities generally offer undergraduate and graduate degree courses. Before you make choices, visit each university website and check if they are registered with Commission for university Education (CUE)
The following is a list of the best universities in Mombasa and their website links;
Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) https://www.tum.ac.ke/
Kenyatta University https://www.ku.ac.ke/campuses/msa/
Kenya Methodist University https://www.kemu.ac.ke/campus/mombasa-campus
Mount Kenya University https://www.mku.ac.ke/mku-mombasa-campus/
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology https://www.jkuat.ac.ke/campus/mombasa/
University of Nairobi https://mombasa.uonbi.ac.ke/basic-page/university-nairobi
I hope this information makes it easier for you to make a choice while searching for universities and colleges in Mombasa.